Getting to Know our Pastoral Associates

What an honor it’s been to work at Ascension these past 8 years! I was excited when Fr. Gary asked me to serve as Pastoral Associate for Communications and Parish Life because I have such a passion for digital media, new technology and ways we can explore Christian life together. I work with an amazing team who help inform you all of what’s happening, develop stewardship appeals funding the parish and facilitate events like the Fall Festival and Celebrate Ascension.
In addition to studying Music Composition at KU, I spent over 10 years in radio and TV advertising which taught me the importance of messaging and how to create multi-channel marketing campaigns to inform and motivate people. I have two certificates in Web Development and Digital Media from JCCC and love getting to use those skills to make our parish website easy to use on various size devices. My first experience working in the Church was at Holy Trinity where we launched a LifeTeen program in 2002. As the Youth Music Minister, I was instrumental in getting that program off the ground.

My family life has changed dramatically during my time at Ascension. My wife Brandi and I felt called to express our respect for human life by adopting two elementary school aged children from foster care in addition to having a baby. We went from 3 children when I came to Ascension to 6 and engaging in the foster care system is one of the most difficult and frustrating things Brandi and I have done. Parenting children who lived through early childhood trauma is extremely difficult.
One of my favorite things about working here is being creative in meeting new challenges. An example was broadcasting our Masses with multiple cameras making it a more personal experience for the thousands of viewers from all over the country during the pandemic. I will never forget streaming in an empty church for Easter. As facilities opened back up I helped create media systems to zoom meetings so that people who weren’t ready to be back on campus could participate in adult faith programs.
I appreciate getting to use the gifts I’ve been given in music, advertising, ministry, technology, and A/V in one full time job. I am thrilled to be a member of the parish leadership team and to live this life of discipleship with you all!
Getting to Know our Pastoral Associates:
Click the images below to read articles by each Pastoral Associate.