Stewardship is our Time, Talent and Treasure returned to God in thanksgiving for all that He has given us.
Church of the Ascension is a vibrant Catholic community that embraces Stewardship as a Way of Life. A life of Stewardship is rooted in Scripture and is a disciple’s response to the mission and ministry of the local and universal Church in sharing the Gospel. Stewardship recognizes that we, as individuals, are not the owners of our lives, our time, our talent, nor our treasure, but stewards or managers of these God-given gifts.
Making Your 2024 Commitment
Please make your 2024 Commitment by completing the Stewardship Form below.
A full listing of all the ministries at Church of the Ascension can be found in the Ministry Directory & Resource Guide.
Registered parishioners/families should be in good standing with respect to Stewardship by:
- Practicing the Catholic faith and living Catholic values.
- Sharing in the prayer life of the parish through weekly participation in the Mass and Holy Days of Obligation.
- Supporting the life and mission of the parish through acts of service by becoming an active volunteer in our programs and ministries.
- Parishioners are encouraged to volunteer for one or more ministries.
- Practicing financial stewardship to the best of their ability as an expression of gratitude to God for His blessings received.
Prayer Commitment
As part of your stewardship commitment to spend time in prayer, click to download a copy of the Ascension prayer card. On one side, you can make your own personal prayer commitment and keep this for yourself. On the other side, you can submit prayer intentions. Just cut off the side with the prayer intentions and return it to the box in the Gathering Area or parish office, or during the offertory collection at Mass.
To download a paper copy of the form, click here.
Fulfilling Your Commitment
How To Give
(Click for more information)
Setting Up Gifts in Realm
- Log into Realm and go to Giving tab
- Click on “+Give” in top left corner
- Choose 2024 Stewardship Fund
- For recurring gifts, set start date of 1-1-24 and an end date of 12-31-24
How Realm Works
REALM is the database that Ascension uses for parish membership, contributions and accounting. If you are a registered parishioner and have yet to activate your REALM profile, please contact Susan Nigrin at to send a REALM invitation to you.
Please note the invitation email link will come from
Sign Up For Realm
Giving Overview
Privacy Settings Overview
Planned Giving
Questions? Contact Karen Newkirk in parish office, 913-681-3348 or