Faith Formation for Children with Special Needs Brooke A. Warlop: Hello everyone! My name is Brooke Warlop and I am thrilled to be joining Ascension…
Youth Faith Formation Assisting Parents in raising Missionary Disciples 2024-2025 Welcome! We are looking forward to a great upcoming year! Our programs help young people…
6:30PM – 8:00PM Music and Activities from your Car Parking Lot opens at 6:00. IMPORTANT EVENT INFORMATION. PLEASE READ: Please observe our rules for protecting…
Pray a Novena for Our Confirmation Students beginning January 10th, for their upcoming Confirmation Retreat on January 19th. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move…
October is the month of the Rosary, with the feast of our Lady of the Rosary occurring on October 7th (which also happens to be the…
Let the Children Come to Me 8:15am Mass – Children’s Liturgy of the Word What: Kids go to their own space during Mass to hear…
How can we assist you as parents. We in the Youth Faith Formation Office desire 3 things for your family: Helpful Apps & Podcasts Catholic…
Receiving Sacraments is a vital expression of who we are as followers of Christ. God desires more than anything to give us his life –…
YFF Home About YFF Sacraments Family Volunteer
Inspire, Teach, Transform The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few… Catechists and aides are needed for Kindergarten – 8thgrade. Would you give your…