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Building YOUR Domestic Church

Below are a few resources created by the Ascension Family Life Ministry, to aid your Domestic Church during this time of isolation and crisis. Check back frequently for articles, ideas, and digital resources. May our Lord bless your family, even in this season of great difficulty.

Participating in Mass: Home Style

If your family is anything like mine, you may find that participating in virtual Mass at home is a bit more challenging than participating in Mass when you are actually at church. Remembering to sit, stand, and kneel at all the right times is tricky — particularly when there is no one else to copy! Exactly when do we sit, stand, and kneel? Why are these postures and gestures important? The Ascension Family Life Ministry offers you and your family this quick refresher course! 

Divine Mercy Flower Pots

There is one thing that I don’t particularly like about Divine Mercy Sunday. Before registering a complaint — hang with me for one second! While I love that our Church dedicates one Sunday every year to celebrating God’s merciful love, I do not particularly like our tendency to put Divine Mercy away — back on its storage shelf — after the feast day. Like taking down Christmas decorations on December 26th — there is so much more to celebrate! What follows is a simple tutorial for “planting” Divine Mercy that can grow all season!

Easter at Home

If you are a parent, it is likely that you have already considered many ways to make Easter special for your children. This post is not about doing (most of us are weary from doing so much already!); it is about being (we are a Resurrection people — even when we feel defeated).

Bonus: Find Ascension Family Life’s “Printable Hymnal” inside; Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday versions are available.

Veneration of the Cross

Although you and your Family cannot physically attend the Veneration of the Cross service on Good Friday, you are able to unite with the members of our Parish — and with all Catholics throughout the world — by Venerating our Lord’s Cross at home. Find resources and instructions inside

Foot Washing, Family Style!

My children particularly love Holy Thursday Mass. There is the surface reason — a chance to stay up late on a school night; and then there is the deepest reason — a not so subtle hope against hope to be selected for the foot washing ceremony. I can never bring myself to explain that the 12 foot-washees are pre-selected (and not children).

Perhaps it goes without saying that this is not a typical Holy Week — and there is no longer such a thing as school nights. But, hope against hope for foot washing fulfilled: this year, all 5 of my kids were selected!

Digital Family Mass

Are you struggling to engage your family in digital Mass? The Ascension Family Life Ministry offers a top-12 list of ideas to help you navigate this new spiritual terrain.

Mom Blog

If you are struggling to navigate your family through social-shutdown and an ever-evolving pandemic, then you are not alone! Find personal perspectives and reflections penned by our very own Ascension Parish Moms. Join us for authentic conversation, and contagious faith.

Prayer Wall Kit

Cover your home in prayer with these printable resources and instructions. Lead your Domestic Church away from anxiety and toward gratitude and trust. Click the image for more.

Mirroring Truth; Mirroring Trust

As parents or faith leaders in our homes, we are called to mirror Christ to our loved ones. By claiming simple truths, we can demonstrate trust in our Lord. Click the image for instructions and resources.

Rock a Novena with Your Family

Build a hands-on Novena, tailored specifically to YOUR family’s needs. Explanation, instructions, and resources are here. A rock pile ceases to be just rocks the moment someone contemplates it with the image of a Cathedral in mind. Click the picture for more!