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Church of the Ascension Adult Faith Registration

Church of the Ascension Adult Faith Registration

Please use the buttons below to complete a registration page for a course or group you would like to participate in. You may pay online or write a check for fees. Checks may be payable to Church of the Ascension and returned to the parish office.

Current Offerings

Faith, Family, & Freedom Parish Movie Night

As part of our Adult Faith series, join us for a movie night honoring one of the Church’s great martyrs and political reformers, Saint Thomas More. His last words before being beheaded at the order of King Henry VIII were, “I die His Majesty’s good servant, but God’s first.”

Winner of 6 Oscars including Best Picture, the Golden Globe for Best Motion Picture, and the BAFTA for Best British Film, A Man for All Seasons depicts what a true reformer and witness for Christ was Saint Thomas More.

Join us for this epic movie, fellowship, and discussion!
Date: July 25, 2024
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: St. Matthew / St. Mark Room
Cost: $0 (popcorn and lemonade provided)

The Letter of St. Paul to the Colossians

Colossians Scripture Study

There have always been problems in the Church. We are the body of Christ, but we are human and thus we are flawed with concupiscence. Today is no different than the time when this letter was written by Paul to the Colossians. False teachings about cultic practices, rules regarding food and drink, asceticism, and a connection of angels and demons with astral powers plagued the fledgling Church then, and we can see that the more things change with time, the more they remain the same. Let’s see what Paul has to recommend to the Colossians about how to manage these issues, and most importantly his warnings about false teachers in the Church.

When: Sundays, July 7th thru August 4th 2024; 9:30 to 11:00 AM
Where: St. Mark Room
Facilitator: Joyce Grashoff
Cost: $0* Purchase of the book is elective; purchase at Trinity House locally or online, BUT PLEASE REGISTER so that we have adequate space.
Book: We will be using the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible for The Letters of St. Paul to the Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon Commentary, Notes, and Study Questions. (For those of you who joined us for the study of Philippians, we will be continuing on in this same book. See picture.)


The Rescue Project

The Rescue Project

We’ve lost our Christian story. . .
Let’s get it back!
We live our lives according to the stories we believe. What if there is a different story? What if there is a story that will help make sense of the world? THAT STORY IS THE GOSPEL! Fr. John Riccardo and The Rescue Project will help us get our story back. We invite you to attend The Rescue Project small-group style class over an 8-week period this summer and finally learn exactly what the gospel is, what Jesus did, and what we are now called to do.

This class is for:
*People in the pews
*Fallen away Christians
*Nones (those who describe their religion as “nothing in particular”)
*Teenagers and up

Day/Times: Wednesdays 9:30-11:30 am OR 6:00-8:00 pm
Dates: June 12- August 14 (no class July 3rd and 31st)
Location: St. Mark Room
Facilitator: Kim Sutton
Cost: $10 (including the Companion Guide to be received at the first class)


True Reformers

The Mass

In 6 sessions we will learn about the true benefactors of the human race. These saints of the Catholic Reformation (St. Thomas More, St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Philip Neri, St. Charles Borromeo, St. Theresa of Avila and St. Frances de Sales) show us just how powerful and beautiful is the human heart’s free response to God’s grace.

True Reformers Class
Thursdays from 5:30-7:00 PM
June 6-July 18 (no class on July 4)
In St. Mark/Matthew Room
Facilitator: Joyce Grashoff
No cost, but please still register by clicking the button below.


Bible Study: The Gospel of Matthew

Gospel of Matthew

Matthew is the Gospel that will be read at Mass during Ordinary Time (the time after Easter Season until Advent) this liturgical year. We invite you to join us as we meet each Sunday for this Bible study of Matthew. Come to learn the “back story”- how the New Testament fulfills the Old Testament prophesies in Jesus Christ- and understand the whole story of our salvation history as we “tie it all together” in Him.

Days: Sundays
Time: 9:30-11:00 AM
Dates: May 7-Advent
Location: St. Mark Room
Facilitator: Joyce Grashoff
Register: by Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Materials: $13.00 for Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: The Gospel of Matthew (included with registration)


Ongoing Classes

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)


Are you or someone you know interested in becoming Catholic? Join us for classes to see if this is right for you! We will meet on Monday nights to present basic topics of the faith and grow in our relationship with God. Adults are welcomed into the Church at Easter in the spring. We also would love to have parishioners volunteer to serve as a sponsor for someone going through RCIA.

Information Night
Monday August 28, 2023 5:30-6:30pm in St. Mark Room

Regular day and time: Mondays 5:30pm-7:30pm
First regular session: September 11
Location: St. Mark Room
No Cost

RCIA Information

I'm interested as:(Required)

The Bible and Catechism NOT in a Year!

Fr. Mike Schmitz

Join us on the 1st & 3rd Fridays of every month at 1:00pm as we work slowly through The Bible in a Year and The Catechism in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz. We will begin on Friday, February 2, 2024.

The schedule will typically include 4 sessions per week. Lessons are done at home on YouTube. The total time per week will be about 160 minutes which averages to 11-12 minutes per day with time off for Holy Week.

Christ Renews His Parish Retreat

Christ Renews His Parish

Parish sponsored retreat program offering a Sat./Sun. retreat at the parish in the Fall and in the Spring. There are separate weekends for Men and Women. It is a program designed to bring parish members together in Christ, and emphasizes your continued growth in Catholic Christian life. It initiates this through small group participation. If interested, complete the registration form on page 30, or check out the parish website or Adult Faith Bulletin Board in the Gathering Space for a registration form.

More Info

Disciples Dwelling: A Young Adult Bible Study

Are you currently transitioning from college into adulthood? Are you looking for an opportunity where you can dig deeper into your Catholic faith while bonding with other young adults on fire for Christ? Then consider joining Disciples Dwelling (DD) – Ascension’s young adult weekly small group study. We discuss upcoming Sunday Mass readings followed by a fellowship activity – with occasional DD functions on weekends.

Disciples Dwelling

Ongoing Bible Study for a passionate group of Catholic Young Adults, ages 21-35
Thursdays: 7:00PM – 8:30 PM
Location: Youth Center
Facilitator: Rachel Sevart an Brooke Kramer
No Cost

If you feel called to learn more about joining Disciples Dwelling, look us up on Facebook or contact Rachel Sevart for more information.

Men Of Ascension

Men of Ascension

Are you looking for a way to get more meaning out of Mass? If so, join with other men of the parish to meet each week and discuss the upcoming Sunday Mass readings. This group discusses the Sunday readings followed by discussion on their applicability to the lives of men. New members are invited to join at any time.

Fridays: 6:00 AM – 7:00 AM
Date: Ongoing
Location: St. Mark Room
Facilitator: Ken Jennison
No Cost

Mothers of Young Children

Mothers of Young Children

Through authentic friendships, prayer, family activities, and community service, we hope to encourage and equip fellow mothers in the beauty and traditions of the Catholic Faith. If you are a mother of a young child (pregnancy through second grade), then you are invited to join us the first Thursday of each month at 7:00pm in the St. John Room. Check our webpage and bulletin for additional events throughout the year as well.

More Info


In addition to our wonderful, in-person studies, parishioners are able to access thousands of movies, talks and classes for FREE! Ascension has purchased a subscription.

More Info

Late registrations are welcome, but there is no guarantee that materials will be available through Ascension. You may have to obtain your own materials.

Contact Elizabeth Whitehead or Liz Willman with questions regarding these offerings.

Scholarships are available for those under financial constraints-contact Liz Willman.

For technical issues contact Ray Martin