As the academic year winds down, we would like to thank the many parishioners who volunteer their time through the Adult Faith Office. These parishioners give generously of their time to provide Adult Faith opportunities to all of our parishioners. A few of those key groups are pictured here!
Christ Renews His Parish

Pictured here are members of the Christ Renews His Parish Continuation Committee. This group meets twice a year to support the four Christ Renews Retreats that occur each year: two retreats in the Fall and two in the Spring (one for Men and one for Women each time). Over 1,000 parishioners have benefitted from this retreat which draws people to a closer relationship with Christ while meeting fellow parishioners. Join us for our next retreats: October 7-8 for Women; October 14-15 for Men.

Pictured here are members of the RCIA team. This team supports the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults which is the process we use to welcome adults into the Catholic Faith! We meet each Monday night, September — May to walk alongside those looking into becoming Catholic. This year we welcomed 18 adults at our Easter Vigil. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic, contact Liz Willman in the Parish Office.
Adult Faith Facilitators

Pictured left are some of the facilitators for Adult Faith and Marriage & Family Life. These parishioners volunteer their time to facilitate classes and small groups throughout the year. This past year, 35 different classes or groups were offered with 900 registrations. Check out the current bulletin (pages 8-9) for offerings this summer. In August, look in your mailbox for your copy of the Adult Faith Catalog for new offerings starting in the fall!