Please join us for an evening of Eucharistic Adoration under the Stars with keynote speaker Sarah Swafford + Prayer, Praise Music, and Dessert! We will praise our Lord in the Eucharist and reignite our love for God as an Ascension parish community.
Date: Sunday, October 4th
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: The field behind Ascension (see map below)
Bring: a blanket or lawn chairs (+ a warm tea, hot chocolate, or coffee — to accompany dessert and keep yourself warm!)
Family: this is a family friendly event; all are welcome!
Scheduling issues? No worries! feel free to come when you are available and leave when you must!
Order of the Evening: join us for some or all of the evening. (Families with littles and early bedtimes are welcome to leave as needed!)
6:30 Arrive, set out your blanket(s) or chair(s), grab a slice of dessert, and enjoy fellowship
7:00 keynote speaker Sarah Swafford
8:00 Encounter Christ in Eucharistic Adoration and praise music.
8:45 Benediction and Blessing
Please RSVP:
Your RSVP helps us accurately plan for this event. We understand that your availability may change — just give us your best guess!
Remember to Bring:

Lawn chairs or a blanket to sit on

A warm coat or an extra layer for when the sun goes down

A warm mug of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate — to accompany dessert and keep yourself warm!
Where to Go:

More About our Internationally Reknown Keynote Speaker …

Sarah Swafford is the founder of Emotional Virtue Ministries. She speaks internationally to people of all ages on a variety of topics such as: Emotional Virtue, Dating and Relationships, Modesty of Intentions, and Interior Confidence. She is a graduate of Benedictine College and has been involved in ministry for over ten years. For three years, Sarah worked as a Residence Hall Director at Benedictine College, taking care of 142 freshmen women. That amazing experience gave her a front row seat into the hearts of women and men transitioning from high school to college, giving her a deeper look into the struggles facing teens and young adults today.
Sarah shares her message at school assemblies, retreats, rallies, and conferences around the world and is the author of Emotional Virtue: A Guide to Drama-Free Relationships. She has appeared on EWTN’s Life on the Rock, EWTN Live, and is co-host of EWTN’s At the Heart of Relationships. She has also been featured in the National Catholic Register. Sarah is a contributor to Chosen, Ascension Press’ confirmation program and YDisciple’s True Beauty; she has also contributed videos for www.womenmadenew.com. Sarah is a proud team member of Chastity Project and speaks at Steubenville Conferences in the United States and Canada.
Sarah also works on Special Projects for Catholic Identity at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas, where she resides with her wonderful husband, Dr. Andrew Swafford, and their children: Thomas, Fulton, Cate, Kolbe, and John Paul. You can find more information about Sarah and Emotional Virtue Ministries at www.emotionalvirtue.com

If your are interested in helping us prepare for this event, we would love to have your help! Fill out the form above and we will contact you!
I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing!
Luke 12:49