Celebrate Mass with us on Sunday, May 10th From the safety of your own car
Dear Fellow Parishioners, I trust all of you are doing well in the midst of this most unusual time. These are trying times in so many ways; yet at the same time we are also so greatly blessed. Once again I am so grateful to each of you, for your faith, your understanding, your commitment to Christ and His Church, your financial support for our parish as well. You are truly amazing! As you hopefully already know, the Archbishop has dispensed all of us from the obligation of Sunday Mass attendance. No need for anyone to feel badly about not going to Mass. Under these circumstances the Lord understands. The 4:30 Saturday Mass along with the weekday Masses and Eucharistic adoration will continue to be livestreamed. Go to kcascension.org any time to view the Mass. While we cannot yet gather in the church for Mass, we can have Mass in the parking lot with some very definite restrictions and expectations (see below). It is our plan to have three Masses this Sunday morning (May 10) at 8:00. 10:00 & 12:00. There is absolutely no expectation for anyone to attend one of these Masses. They are only for those who are not ill or vulnerable and who wish to attend. Also, please be aware that Holy Communion will NOT be distributed at these Masses. We have had conversations with the proper civic officials to assure that we are in conformity with civil directives. We all look forward to being back in church for Mass and hopefully that will be soon. The reopening will be on a very gradual basis. In the meantime let us pray for one another. We are still a parish community even though our coming together may be only virtually or parking lot. More importantly we come together in prayer each day for the victims of the virus, caregivers, our families and each other. God’s blessings! -Fr. Tom |
Basic Information and Sign-up (Required)
Safety: All parishioners who attend will park and stay inside their cars; cars will be parked in every other parking spot. Masses will be celebrated on a temporary platform, built on the top tier of the Ascension Parking Lot. We will broadcast the sound feed through an FM radio transmitter; you can tune in with your car radio. When: Sunday, May 10th.Due to limited space, we ask that you sign up for a specific Mass time using the following links. Please understand that our space is limited, so only use one vehicle per household if possible. Also, please be aware that we are not working with perfect resources and not all parking spots will have clear views of the alter. Please come with a flexible mindset and willingness to participate irregardless of circumstances! |
Where: The Ascension Parking Lot (see map below). |

Must Read: Detailed Instructions
Please understand that we are using new equipment and resources in new ways. This is a learning process for all involved. Parking and visibility may not be perfect; we may experience technological glitches. BUT, Christ will be present! Please come with an open heart and a flexible mindset. Before Leaving Home:Be certain that you signed up for one of the Mass times, using the links above. Due to limited parking spaces, these sign-up links will stop accepting “reservations” after we have reached maximum capacity.Please plan to arrive 10-25 minutes before Mass begins. plenty of time for everyone to park. By arriving in this time window, you will help Mass run on time, and help us avoid difficult traffic issues. There are no available bathroom facilities on site — so please remind your family appropriately before leaving home.Follow social distancing guidelines and consolidate traffic by using 1 vehicle (if possible!) for your entire household, but without carpooling with people outside of your household. Parking: Park in the church parking lots with your car facing toward the raised platform.Alternate full and empty parking spots, parking in every-other slot (this will allow everyone to see, and will ensure safe distancing if you need/want to crack car windows for air). Parking attendants will be on site to help direct traffic. Radio: Tune your car radio to FM 89.7 (we will have signage onsite to remind you).Turn your car engine off but leave your radio on. You may want to experiment with your car at home ahead of time.For traditional cars, typically you need to click the key backwards in the ignition.For modern (button start) cars, typically you need to press the “car on button” without pressing the break. This should activate the battery without starting the ignition.You may want to briefly re-start your engine part way through the service, to avoid draining your battery. Onsite parking attendants will have jumper cables, in case they are needed after Mass. Your Vehicle:You are welcome to roll down windows or open rear hatches, so long as you are parked a full slot away from the next nearest vehicle.You and your family members absolutely MUST stay inside your vehicle at all times, to ensure the safety of yourselves, our priests, and all other participants. Your Judgement:We understand that some of our parishioners may have complicating heath factors or may not feel comfortable participating in this service. Please use your own best judgement when considering your attendance and the attendance of your household. Also, please know that the moral obligation to attend Sunday Mass has been lifted during this unique season.If you are unable to join us on site, please join us for our livestream service on Saturday evening at 4:30 PM. Please note that Mass can be streamed live, or it can be viewed at a later date or time. |