Fr. Tom Tank

Dear Moms,
You are fantastic women! What a wonderful job you are doing during these very challenging and crazy times! You may not think that you are doing that great, but believe me you are. I have never understood how women can handle so many things at once…..parenting, cooking, cleaning, teaching, refereeing, correcting…the list is endless. And many of you have jobs outside the home as well. Believe me, no one does it perfectly, but give yourself a pat on the back for all that you are doing.
With the children at home from school and families being required to shelter in place this puts extra strain on parents especially mothers. Trying to keep up your child’s lessons and responding to the lament of “Mom, I’m bored!” can be a fulltime job! This is an important time to teach our little ones that life is not perfect and in spite of our natural inclinations we are not the center of the universe. Those are important lessons for all of us and these are particularly appropriate teaching moments.

You along with your spouses are the spiritual leaders of your family. I am edified at how many parents have told me that this has really been a special family time for their families. Having a daily meal together, playing games as a family, taking time for some family prayer all are more readily possible now than maybe previously. Even watching the streamed Mass each Sunday can be a special family time. Again, I have been impressed to hear from so many that they are rediscovering that they don’t need all the endless activities that distract families from truly being a family.
I want to do a special shout out to single parent Moms. You have a particularly challenging situation with the many pulls that you feel within your life. It is difficult enough for you when times are ‘normal’ but now during this period of abnormality how much of a greater challenge it is to balance all the plates (responsibilities) that you are trying to manage. God bless you as your parent and care for your children without the support that other Moms may enjoy.
Again, you are fantastic women! Carry on with your great spirit of loving service to your families. God’s blessings be with you and your loved ones!
— Father Tom