Holy Week & Easter at Church of the Ascension:
Palm Sunday | April 10
Regular Weekend Mass Schedule
Holy Thursday | April 14
Mass of the Lord’s Supper
- 7:00PM
Good Friday | April 15
Good Friday Stations of the Cross + Tre Ore
- 12:00PM-3:00PM (Come when you can; leave when you must)
Good Friday Service
- 3:00PM
- 7:00PM
Holy Saturday | April 16
Easter Vigil Mass
- 8:00PM
Easter Sunday | April 17
Easter Sunday Mass
- 8:00AM
- 10:00AM
- 12:00PM
Note: Easter Sunday Masses at 8:00AM and 10:00AM will be celebrated in the Church Sanctuary and the Parish Hall; the 12:00PM Mass will be celebrated only in the Church Sanctuary.
Parking: As always, please follow all rules when parking during Easter Masses. Park in marked parking spaces only. Do not park along the yellow no parking zones as you may be ticketed. Please fill both parking lots before parking on the street. In addition, please respect all no parking zones in the surrounding neighborhoods.
Seating: Seating in the Church for the 8AM and 10AM Masses usually fills up quickly. Mass will also be celebrated downstairs in the Parish Hall during these times. Please remain flexible as we try to accommodate everyone!