Did you know that Ascension was invited to participate in Amazing Parish?
If you missed the first article in the series, we recommend you read it first.
Our Key Values
Many organizations establish a list of values. Values are things that are held as intellectually important. They can serve as goals toward which an individual or organization strives to work. They constitute a framework in which one’s efforts are carried out. Sometimes they describe the character that an organization displays in striving to achieve its mission.
But values alone mean little, after all, even Satan has values. They might not be good values, but he has values. So, when we talk about values for a religious group, such as a parish, we speak not just of any values, but of values that help us tend toward the good, the true and the beautiful. And good values can only be realized when virtue is practiced. Virtue is an habitual pursuit of something good. We might call it a good habit. Here at Ascension, we must strive to live our parish values by practicing virtue.
There are many values that inform our daily efforts. The Leadership Team, after consultation with the larger staff and Pastoral Council, has identified five Key Values for our parish. They are: