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Here I Am Lord – Fr. Tom Tank

Fr. Tom Tank’s Homily January 19, 2020

“If there was one thought that I would leave for you this evening, it is just that simple one of ‘Here I am Lord.  I come to do your will.’ That antiphon from the responsorial psalm is such a beautiful prayer and it would be great if every morning as we would rise from our sleep if we could offer that very simple prayer.  ‘Here I am Lord. I come to do your will.’ If we could live that spirit each day, how richer, how fuller, how more integrated and authentic our lives would be, but that prayer is such a beautiful one, so simple and yet so challenging.

The Archbishop has asked that we share with you a reflection on our annual Archbishop’s Call To Share and so we would like to take a few minutes to share this video that was provided by the Archdiocese.

(Following video) Over the years our parish has been very generous to Call to Share and I really want to express a word of thank you to all of you who are so generous in supporting the Archbishop’s annual appeal.  All of us received in the mail this past week I hope information regarding Call to Share for this year and I would invite those of you who’ve not participated to do so as well because we can all join together and make such a huge difference in the life of the Church within the Archdiocese and in the life of so many individuals who are touched through Call to Share, so please prayerfully read that material and make your own personal commitment and again thanks to all of you who are so generous in not only supporting our own parish, but Call to Share as well making so many wonderful things possible in so many beautiful ways.”