Join us for Prayer and Eucharistic Adoration
Gather Apart with Christ and your Parish Community!

What: Join us for prayer and a reflection led by Fr. Tom, followed by a Eucharistic procession led by Fr. Viet (due to social distancing guidelines, the procession will not include anyone else).

Safety: We have a plan to keep you — and everyone else –safe! Attendees will park and stay inside their cars; cars will be parked in every other parking spot. We will broadcast the sound feed through an FM radio transmitter — so you can tune in with your car radio. We have thoroughly checked with city and county authorities, and we have approval for this event, which is in compliance with social distancing standards.
When: Sunday, April 5th; 1-2:00 PM
Where: The Ascension Parking Lot (see map below).

MUST READ: Important Instructions
Please understand that we are using new equipment and resources in new ways. This is a learning process for all involved. Parking and visibility may not be perfect; we may experience technological glitches. BUT, Christ will be present! Will you join us for the adventure?
Before Leaving Home:
- Consider leaving/arriving early, so we have plenty of time for everyone to park.
- There will not be bathroom facilities on site — so please remind your family appropriately.
- follow social distancing guidelines and consolidate traffic by using 1 vehicle (if possible!) for your entire household, but without carpooling with people outside of your household.
- Park in the church parking lots with your car facing toward the raised platform.
- Alternate full and empty parking spots, parking in every-other slot (this will allow everyone to see, and will ensure safe distancing if we need to crack car windows for air).
- Parking attendants will be on site to help direct traffic.
- Fr. Viet will process the Blessed Sacrament through all of the highlighted parking areas (see map) — so even if you don’t get a perfect view of Fr. Tom on the platform, you will see Fr. Viet and Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament!
- Tune your car radio to FM 89.7 (we will have signage onsite to remind you).
- Turn your car engine off but leave your radio on. You may want to experiment with your car at home ahead of time.
- For traditional cars, typically you need to click the key backwards in the ignition.
- For modern (button start) cars, typically you need to press the “car on button” without pressing the break (this should turn on the battery without turning on the ignition).
Your Vehicle:
- You are welcome to roll down windows or open rear hatches, so long as you are parked a full slot away from the next nearest vehicle.
- You and your family members absolutely MUST stay inside your vehicle at all times, to ensure the safety of yourselves, our priests, and all other participants.
Your Judgement:
- We understand that some of our Parishioners may have complicating heath factors or may not feel comfortable participating in this service. Please use your own best judgement when considering your attendance and the attendance of your household.