Our purpose is to encourage and facilitate deeper involvement in Mass and parish events for individuals and families with special needs.
Ascension is excited to offer a “Sensory Friendly Room” for participating in the 11:45 mass beginning September 8th, 2024.
- In the Nursery downstairs there is a TV where we will live stream the mass.
- This room is specifically for children and adults who have sensory needs that prevent them from participating in the mass.
- The room is meant to be low-light and low-volume.
TV Instructions:
- Find the remote control. It will likely be in a window sill near the TV or on top of the metal cabinet in the back of the room.
- Point remote toward the TV and press the red power button to turn the TV on.
- If the Home Screen doesn’t appear in a few seconds, press the little house “home” button on the remote.
- Choose YouTube from the Home Screen.
- If the LiveStream isn’t available yet, it may not show up on the YouTube Home Page. Scroll down the YouTube menu to “Subscriptions” and select KCAscension Live.
- When the Mass LiveStream begins, select it.