Printable Hymnal:
Easter at Home:
If you are a parent, I am sure that you have already considered many ways to make Easter special for your children. The list that follows is not about doing (most of us are already doing as much as we can); it is about being (we are a Resurrection People — even when we don’t feel that reality).
- A Poor Replacement: Let’s start with a bit of honesty. Their are many ways to be intentional with our faith and family during this time, and there are many opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. BUT, the truth is, that even the most sincere methods of expressing our faith are a poor replacements for the irreplaceable gift that is Jesus in the Eucharist. We must be realistic about our grief in order to look forward.
- Now and Not Yet: We now enter into the liturgical season of Easter, but in our own lives, we are still living in Lent. Despite the apparent dissonance, we are called to live in both. Jesus HAS conquered sin and death. Jesus IS with us always. Jesus IS present in the Eucharist — even while we cannot receive Him, He is still present.
- Hope and Fear: We are challenged to live with unyielding hope — a hope that drives out all fear. True hope does not rely on outcomes or circumstances, but on the person of Jesus Christ. Hope works hand in hand with detachment (and we all have PLENTY of opportunities for detachment right now!) — even if all we hold dear is lost, we never lose home in the goodness of our Lord.
- A Season, Not a Day: Liturgically speaking, the season of Easter is celebrated for 50 days (until Pentecost). The Easter season is a time to soak in God’s goodness and rest in the Resurrection (which may be easier said than done if you are trying to work from home, homeschool children, and make every meal from scratch). Here are a few simple ideas to live Easter over the next 50 days:
- Take walks: by YOURSELF. If you are in a home full of other people, you could probably use a good dose of solitude!
- Pray: this doesn’t have to be anything elaborate or contrived. Have sincere conversations with God. These conversations can be open-ended and can weave throughout your day. Don’t force yourself to “accomplish” anything with your prayer time. Be open to God’s presence and speak from your heart. Find time to listen also.
- Self Care: It can be a challenge to care for ourselves when we spend so much time and energy caring for others. But, some degree of self-care is imperative! Sometimes discerning the difference between self-care and selfishness can be tricky. True self-care is actually an act of humility; it acknowledges ones own limitations and daily need for God’s grace. Check out this awesome article by Ascension’s own Ali Lomshek.
- Treats: We celebrate Easter Sunday with baskets full of candy to demonstrate the sweetness of God’s salvation. As an adult — what is something that is a treat for you? Allow yourself some extra grace in this season, to treat yourself to occasional “extras.”

Easter Reflection:
The Lord is our Shepherd who leads us through dark valleys and restores our souls. Below is a beautiful Easter reflection on the 23rd Psalm penned by Ascension’s Marissa Brown.