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NFP – Resources

If you and your fiance or spouse are considering using Natural Family Planning, congratulations and welcome to the journey!

Below you will find a few favorite resources. If you have questions, or are in need of resources that are not easily found, contact Marcia Jacobson in the church office at; 913-681-3348 x151

Natural Family Planning Written Resources

A short testimony about the efficacy and beauty of the Church’s teaching on Natural Family Planning.

The Benefits of NFP as stated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

Find an NFP class nearby.

Compelling articles for couples considering Natural Family Planning.

Helpful informational web pages for couples considering Natural Family Planning.

Natural Family Planning Videos:

Contraception: The Real Story
Contraception: Why Not?

NFP’s Impact on Relationship and Sexual Satisfaction 

NFP Links

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