Written By Amy Reinhardt

Before end-stage renal disease changed my life, I was involved in young adult ministry. For more than three years, I co-led a group called Disciples Dwelling. It is scripture study and fellowship for men and women, ages 21 to 35.
Disciples Dwelling meets Thursday evenings in the youth room at Church of the Ascension. Bible study starts at 7 p.m. and ends with off-campus fellowship. Reflecting on the upcoming Sunday readings makes everyone more prepared for Mass.
“It helps me grow by being a routine staple for regular formation. It’s a welcoming and wholesome environment that cultivates holiness,” said Austin, a longtime DD member.
For years I’ve witnessed DD grow into an irreplaceable ministry. A place where men and women can experience authentic holiness and become the best versions of themselves. I made amazing friends and built a strong faith foundation that prepared me for my future cross of kidney failure.
When it was time, God transitioned me out of this role by providing the perfect replacement. Rachel Sevart is bringing a unique spark by planning events like the Reverse Tailgate – rosary/mass followed by a potluck with yard games.

“Parish life is usually centered on families which causes young adults to feel like they don’t have a place in the church. DD helps include them in the church community, “ said Rachel. “We can’t do this alone. God wants us to have one another on the road to sainthood. Without DD, it would be harder to hold onto my faith and resist the temptation that I don’t need God or a holy community.”
If you’re a young adult feeling disconnected and in need of genuine friendship, we urge you to drop in on a Thursday night. If Bible study isn’t your first choice, there are other ways to connect and keep your faith alive.
Joe Passantino, Ascension’s young adult minister, is always looking for ways to bring people together. “From films to farmers markets to fishing, I love hearing new ideas for creating a stronger young adult community. Please contact me and we’ll grab coffee sometime.”
Even though I can’t make it every Thursday night, I want to do what I can to foster spiritual camaraderie for those in my age range. Creating a safe dwelling place for disciples to grow in faith, hope, and love is what DD is all about.
“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20)
At 28 years old, Amy Reinhardt has been an Ascension parishioner for over half her life. She led Disciples Dwelling and was heavily involved in the young adult ministry up until getting diagnosed with end-stage renal disease. She strives to radiate Christ’s light and love to all who are blessed to know her. If you’d like to read Amy’s health updates: https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/amyreinhardt.