Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Rite of Sending… Rite of Election… Purification and Enlightenment… Scrutinies? If you are curious what is going on in RCIA, here is your guide!

Rite of Sending & Rite of Election:
If you happened to attend the 4:30PM Mass on Saturday, March 5, you were able to help celebrate the Rite of Sending. “Sending whom,” you may ask, and “where were we sending them?” The “who” is 13 men and women in this year’s RCIA who have been coming each week since September to learn more about our Catholic faith.
As to “where,” we were sending them to meet with Archbishop Naumann the next night for the Rite of Election – a celebration with the other JOCO parishes and their RCIA candidates. During the Rite of Sending, our RCIA Candidates came before the Ascension community to be recognized for the progress they have made in their spiritual formation and to receive the assurance of our blessings and prayers as they go forth.
Purification & Enlightenment:

After the Rite of Election, those going through RCIA enter the final preparation to receive the sacraments at the Easter Vigil. This time is called “Purification and Enlightenment.” The Monday night RCIA sessions take on a new tone. We shift from an emphasis on teaching to a period of deep, interpersonal reflection. The candidates spend time with God asking where and how they are being called to live more Christ-like. They ask God to show them “What do I thirst for? Where am I blind? What needs to die in me so as to rise anew?”
For three Sundays in a row (March 20, 27 & April 3) the group will attend the 5:00PM Sunday Mass to celebrate the three Scrutinies. Listen to the Petitions each of those Sundays as they reflect what is in the hearts of our candidates.
Pray for our Candidates:
Please continue to pray for the 13 adults in RCIA! There is a display in the Gathering Space of this year’s candidates and catechumens. In front of the photos you will find a basket with each of their names. Pull a name out of the basket and pray for that person during Lent.
If you have any questions about RCIA, please contact: Liz Willman, Pastoral Associate for Adult Faith Formation at 913-681-3348 x139 or lwillman@kcascension.org