Child of Bethlehem
Jesus, Child of Bethlehem,
Come within our hearts again.
Restore our childlike spirit, Lord
And touch the Child within.
Innocent Babe, perfect, pure,
Inspire new penitence.
Mercy and forgiveness bring,
Restore our innocence.
Show us how much we are loved,
Give peace, all fear destroy.
Touch the child within us, Lord,
Fill us with childlike joy.
Knowing that your love for us
Is perfect, sent from above,
Help us share with everyone,
Your gifts of joy, of love.
— Msgr. McGlinn
Good News
“Good News, Good News!” the Angel said,
The Savior lies in Bethlehem’s bed.
A manger where oxen usually are fed
Holds food for the world, our spiritual bread.
The Good News is this: “God loves us so!”
He sent his Son, even though
His Son would die, before heaven’s foe,
So that we salvation would know.
The Good News proclaims: “Jesus is born!”
The eternal Word in flesh adorned.
He came as a babe to a world so forlorn,
that our lives not be eternally mourned.
The Good News share: “Jesus is here!”
Shout it out loud, let everyone here,
As branches to vine, He is so near,
United to us destroying all fear.
— Msgr. McGlinn

Monsignor McGlinn served many Kansas parishes throughout decades of the priesthood: Associate Pastor at St. Peter Cathedral in Kansas City, Kansas in 1967; Associate Pastor at Our Lady and St. Rose in Kansas City, Kansas in 1969; Pastor at Blessed Sacrament in Kansas City, Kansas in 1973; Parish Administrator at Sacred Heart in Leavenworth, Kansas in 1981; Pastor at Queen of the Holy Rosary in Overland Park in 1981. His next parish assignment would be his longest-tenured: In 1986, he became Pastor at Curé of Ars in Leawood, Kansas where he served for nearly 28 years until his retirement in July 2015. In May 2018, Monsignor returned to parish life as Senior Parochial Vicar in Residence at Church of the Ascension, Overland Park.
During his time at Cure of Ars, Monsignor began a tradition of saying, “I have a little prayer for you” at the end of his homilies. This was his way of announcing one of his “poem prayers” – writings that gained popularity through the years. For more than 25 years, he wrote and published an annual poem prayer booklet for Christmas and sent donation proceeds to Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos orphanage in Miacatlan, Mexico, which Cure of Ars parish supported. In November 2015, Monsignor published Poem Prayers, a book compilation of more than 200 of his favorite poems. The poems above are excerpts from this book.
Monsignor devoted a lifetime of service to God, living a powerful mission and bestowing the gift of faith to all he encountered. He also took any and every opportunity to grant others with his many pranks. His nieces and nephews loved to visit him at the Cure of Ars rectory and discover his many hand buzzers, finger snapping packs of gum, rubber chickens, or his favorite, a lighter that shocked whoever tried to ignite it. In addition to his role as all-star prankster, Monsignor was the beloved faith leader of the McGlinn family. He was adored by all, especially his nieces and nephews. Whenever Monsignor arrived at family events, everything stopped and eighteen McGlinn children would swarm him with love. This welcome party continued when the next generation of McGlinn children arrived and grew to know and love him.
Monsignor McGlinn entered his eternal, heavenly home on November 20, 2020 at the age of 78. He is missed and mourned by many.