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Pastor’s Corner 7.28.2024

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

Starting this weekend and for the next four weekends, the Gospel readings for the Sunday Mass will be from the 6th chapter of the Gospel of John, often referred to as the “Bread of Life Discourse”.  This section of the sacred scriptures undergirds the Catholic understanding of the Eucharist in a profound way.  All the priests here at Ascension, as well as priests in parishes around the archdiocese will be preaching a four-part homily series about the Eucharist, starting next weekend.

The Church in the United States just completed a National Eucharistic Congress, inviting all the members of the Church to reflect more deeply on the Mystery of the Most Holy Eucharist.  Jesus left His Church this great gift of His body and blood as a memorial and as a unique and sustaining encounter with Him until He comes in glory.  The Eucharist strengthens us for the pilgrim journey of life.

Over the next four weeks the homily series will focus on the following topics:

  • Aug. 3-4, the theme of Presence in the Eucharist
  • Aug. 10-11, Eucharist as Sacrifice
  • Aug. 17-18, what we mean by Communion
  • Aug. 24-25, how the Eucharist calls us to mission

The Eucharist is at the heart of our Catholic faith.  Celebrating the Sunday Eucharistic Liturgy is how we offer worship to God in the manner He has prescribed, “do this is memory of me.”

In preparation for the upcoming homily series, I encourage you to read the sixth chapter of John’s Gospel.  We began today with the first 15 verses where Jesus feeds the multitude with five barley loaves and two fish.  This miraculous event has Eucharistic overtones and introduces Jesus’ teaching on the Bread of Life.

Sincerely yours in Christ Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life,