The Heart of a Father

Dear Sisters & Brothers in Christ,
The heart of a Father. That is what I think the readings for this 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time are all about, the Father’s heart. I say that because in the first reading we hear Abraham appealing to God’s sense of justice and mercy. Abraham pleads with God to withhold His just punishment for the sake of 50 righteous people in the City of Sodom. If there are even 40 righteous people, Abraham argues, will You stay Your hand? What if there are only 20 righteous, or even only 10? God says He will withhold judgement for the sake of even 10. But sadly, as we know, not any were righteous and Sodom was destroyed.

In the second reading we hear of God’s superabundant mercy revealed in Jesus Christ and the mercy of God that is revealed in his plan for the Church. Through the ministry of the Church, we receive the graces of baptism. In baptism, God acts! In the waters of baptism, we die with Christ and rise with Him to new life. We, though sinners, are brought to life with Christ. The death warrant generated in our name by the rebellion of our first parents is “nailed to the cross” and we are free from condemnation. Only a loving Father would give a rebellious child such a second chance.
Lastly, in the Gospel Jesus shows us how to pray by calling upon God as “Father.” He invites us to be persistent in our pleading with God, akin to a child begging a parent for something they want. Jesus tells a parable that reveals that our heavenly Father’s love for us is far greater than even the best human father can offer. Jesus says, “If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?” Ask for the most important things – gifts of the Spirit – and trust in the loving heart of the Father.
Sincerely yours in Christ Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life,