Checking it Twice
As we continue our trek toward Christmas, many of us are “making a list and checking it twice,” preparing to show our care and concern for our family and friends with Christmas gift giving.
Gift Giving
This weekend you will hear a message at each Mass about the “gift giving” that flows from discipleship. We use the term “stewardship” to describe how a follower of Jesus manages the gifts of time, talent and worldly treasure that he or she has been blessed to receive. The Gospel calls us to generosity. In today’s Gospel passage, John the Baptist says, “Whoever has two cloaks should share with the person who has none. And whoever has food should do likewise.”

The term “stewardship” sometimes leaves a bad taste in people’s mouths because they have come to associate it only with fund raising. While Christian stewardship does involve the sharing of one’s worldly treasures, it is so much more than that. Genuine Christian stewardship is a way of life, a way of seeing the world and a way of responding to it.
The Christian steward recognizes that everything good is a gift from God and that gifts are not to be hoarded, but are to be shared and used for the greater good. A Christian steward gives back a share of what they have received to further God’s work.
The term “tithe” comes from the Old Testament when it speaks of returning a tenth of one’s harvest, or livestock or proceeds to God. Those who tithe of their income are encouraged to give 5% to their parish, 1% to the larger Church and 4% to other charities (or to their parish if they have students in a parish school).
But tithing, or more precisely “stewardship”, is about sharing not only your finances and talents, but your most valuable asset, your time. More money can be earned, new talents can be acquired, but time, once spent, cannot be reclaimed. Sharing your time in love is one of the greatest gifts you can give.

As we soon begin our Stewardship Appeal for 2022, please pray over how you can best share your gifts of time, talent and treasure with our parish community so that our ministries thrive.
Sincerely yours in Christ Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life,