Marriage in Heaven?

Dear Sisters & Brothers in Christ,
Those who are married, as well as widows and widowers might be troubled by this weekend’s Gospel passage from St. Luke. It recounts a hypothetical situation put forth by Jesus’ detractors about a woman who had seven husbands, each of whom died. The Sadducees are trying to discredit Jesus’ teaching on the resurrection of the dead.
Jesus said to them, “The children of this age marry and remarry; but those who are deemed worthy to attain to the coming age and to the resurrection of the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage. They can no longer die, for they are like angels; and they are the children of God because they are the ones who will rise.”
Some worry that Jesus might be implying that we will not have a relationship with our spouses in heaven. Is that the point Jesus is trying to make? I do not think so. After all, if we believe that Jesus has a special relationship with his own mother, Mary, in heaven, how could we think that we would somehow not have an ongoing relationship with those we deeply loved in this life?

I think Jesus is making a point about marriage so as to emphasize the truth about the resurrection of the dead. What is the purpose of marriage here on earth? One thing is procreation. Marriage is the means that God designed to create new life. He desires that everyone will find their ultimate end in heaven (sadly not everyone will cooperate with God’s plan). In heaven, however, there will be no need for procreation because there will be no death.
Also, the Christian understanding of marriage here on earth is that it is meant to be a sign that points beyond itself to the perfect love of God. In heaven, we will not need the sign because we will experience the love of God in a direct and marvelous way. Marriages, as we know them, will not take place in heaven, because there will be no need for them in heaven. But those who were married and who loved deeply here on earth will love even more deeply in heaven, where all love will be perfected.
Sincerely yours in Christ Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life,