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Ministry Highlights: Spreading Belief In The Eucharist

As Catholics, whether cradle or convert, at some point we have to ask ourselves – do we truly believe that the Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ? If our answer is yes, then we are called to ask ourselves another question: how do we live out that belief and what are we doing to spread/reinforce that belief among our family members, fellow parishioners and friends?

Craig and I were faced with those questions approximately 14 years ago when we asked an innocent enough question of the outgoing EMHC (Extra Ordinary Minister of Holy Communion) Coordinator, “Have you found anyone to take your place?” Her answer was thanks for asking, Fr Tom will be interviewing you in the next day or so. Stop the music!!!! We didn’t volunteer – or did we – or was it the Holy Spirit?

Looking back, it was definitely the Holy Spirit who got us involved and has kept us engaged all these years. It is the Holy Spirit who has strengthened our belief in the Real Presence. It is the Holy Spirit who has given us the passion to spread our beliefs and persevere when we didn’t feel like we were worthy or effectively answering God’s call. It is the Holy Spirit who sent us workers for the vineyard and gave us the courage and strength to carry on when the load felt a little too heavy and the responsibility a little too great as we initiated coverage for multiple nursing homes, memory care facilities and staffing of Saint Luke’s South post Covid. It is the Holy Spirit who will help us as we struggle to respond to yet another request for service at a new venue, Advent South.

With each new challenge we thank God for generously instilling in us the confidence that the Holy Spirit will guide us and provide sufficient workers for the vineyard. God’s vineyard is vast and extends well beyond the four walls of Ascension. We have been called to serve Jesus to our parishioners at Mass as well as those who are unable to join us.

We truly believe that serving as an Extra Ordinary Minister of Holy Communion is a calling. It is not a check the box ministry, nor is it for everyone. That being said, each of us has the responsibility to search our souls and truly listen for the “whisper” that is God’s voice. He is calling you to belief in the Real Presence and to serve even when the load and responsibility seems a little too heavy. He is providing you a pathway to your eternal reward. Will you listen and respond?!

For more information on serving as an EMHC during Mass or to those unable to attend Mass, please contact us at

We come to you, dear Lord,
like the apostles, saying, “Increase our faith.”
Give us a strong and lively faith that you are really present in
the Eucharist; an active faith that we may live by.
Give us the splendid faith of the centurion,
which drew such praise from you.
Give us the faith of the beloved disciple to recognize you and say, “It is the Lord!”
Give us the faith of Mary Magdalene to fall at your feet crying,
“Rabboni! Master!”
Give us the faith of all your saints to whom the Eucharist
was heaven begun on earth.
In every reception of the Eucharist and at every visit, increase our faith and love,
our humility and reverence, and all good things will come to us.
Dearest Lord, increase our faith!

Prayer for Faith in the Real Presence
Source: ‘Prayers for Eucharistic Adoration’ by Marie Paul Curley, FSP