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Ministry Highlights: Focus on the Needy

by Dan Tira

Mary and I have been extremely blessed by God our Father throughout our lives, both before and after our marriage [58 years and counting]. We were both raised by solid families and of course this served as the bedrock of our adult lives with all the good and bad that life presents to all. Without question, the decisions and “chance” experiences throughout our lives were gifts from God guided by the influence of the Holy Spirit. But as Jesus plainly indicated in the parable of talents [Matthew 25:14-30], he expected those servants he entrusted with talents in varying amounts, “each according to his ability,” to use them responsibly for the master’s benefit. This same message applies to all of us. One way we try to use the talents he’s given us is by investing them to serve those less fortunate. 

In explicit and profound contrast to our life’s experiences are those of the many who live in poverty, are homeless or are simply needy due to an inability to gain resources that would satisfy the need. We became sensitive to this over time, but especially through the Word of God in Matthew 25:40 “…whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” So, we developed an intention to work toward addressing this problem of the poor, homeless and/or those in need. And the Church of the Ascension and the Knights of Columbus have offered multiple opportunities to do so, particularly in feeding the hungry. 

Presently this is accomplished through, but not solely the ministries of Shalom House [Archdiocesan shelter for homeless men], Project 10/20 [caring for the Johnson County homeless] and Pete’s Garden [delivery of leftover food from the New Theatre to the Pete’s Garden kitchen where it is re-packaged into individual servings and then delivered to organizations that feed the poor]. One of the places getting deliveries of food from Pete’s Garden is the Shawnee Community Center. The Ascension Knights also deliver food there that was given them from Hy-Vee, Price Chopper, Panera or from other sources. And Ascension is a contributing member of the Johnson County Interfaith Hospitality Network in which parish volunteers bring food to feed homeless families as well as serving as night managers of the facility where the families are staying. Additional food/meals are provided to the Guadalupe House and St. Mary’s Food Kitchen by volunteers. And lastly is Ascension’s monthly food drive that collects non-perishable grocery items for distribution to Catholic Charities’ food pantries. 

So, there are plenty of opportunities to serve one or more of these ministries since volunteer help is always needed. If there is a question about any of these, please contact one of us [Dan @ 913-991-7755 or Mary @ 913-991-7750] or check out Ascension’s volunteer signups at: