Marcie Stenberg’s Eucharist Witness

My journey started 28 years ago when I decided to marry the love of my life and become Catholic after being a Methodist for 25 years. There were questions I had on Catholicism when entering the Church, but the Eucharist was not one of them. I always thought to myself, “Why would I question the Eucharist?” God can do anything, why couldn’t he turn the bread into his flesh and the wine into his blood. If Jesus commanded it as such, why wouldn’t I believe him? I have done bible studies and seen many videos on how the Eucharist has changed many souls. There have been scientific studies done on the hosts and stories of how it has changed people’s lives. The evidence is irrefutable. I respect my Church and give credit to the Church and our Heavenly Father for my growth. I have great love and reverence for the Eucharist.
For the last 7 years, I have been blessed to be able to go to daily Mass just so I could have Jesus in me each day. I have noticed when receiving the Eucharist it really makes a difference in my day. When COVID came about and the church closed, it was heartbreaking. When I attended the first virtual Mass, I remember doing the first sacramental communion in my house, and it brought me tears of sorrow. It was so difficult those 3 months when the church was closed. I can remember during the quarantine, I would go up to church and sit in front of the statue of Jesus outside the church, just so I could be somewhat close to the Eucharist. The day they opened the church doors I made sure I was there, because I needed daily bread.
My life has been changed due to the Eucharist. The adoration chapel is so special. It is a place I can go to get away from the noise of the world. It is a place to sit, cry, listen and feel Christ’s presence. It is a place where his peace is offered in abundant love. It was a sacrifice for all of us while we waited for the new adoration chapel to open. The day the church had the adoration chapel open house, I was so emotional because many of us have waited for 9 months. It was a spiritual emotion of joy and thanksgiving. I went to adoration weekly for years but never made a commitment to a specific time weekly. I decided it was time to make that commitment because it is so important to have 24 hour adoration for our parish. I know we are blessed as a parish to have 24 hour adoration. I know parishioners from other parishes who do not have an adoration chapel and they tell me that our parish must produce great fruits. I totally agree!!! The Eucharist and our Adoration Chapel are such gifts to all of us. It is such a blessing to be a Catholic and belong to a parish where we can participate in perpetual adoration and receive the Eucharist daily.