Written by Dr. William O’Leary

Servant of God, Dorothy Day once said: “It is no use to say that we are born two thousand years too late to give room to Christ. Nor will those who live at the end of the world have been born too late. Christ is always with us, always asking for room in our hearts.”

Every Advent one of my prayers is that I may have the grace to make more room for Jesus in my heart. Each year I look into my heart and reflect upon how I’m living my life and seek to evaluate if there are areas in my life that I’m not allowing room for Jesus. I want my heart to be that humble stable where He can come into and be with me but if I have too many other things that are taking up that room in the stable of my heart then I miss out.
A Brief Examination
- Consider where you need to make room in your life for Jesus?
- Do I have so many commits that I don’t have much time to spend with my spouse, family or friends?
- Am I taking time to reach out to family and friends or am I so busy with good things that if it’s not right in front of me I don’t think about those that I actually care about.
- Do I have time in my life to pray and seek Jesus?
- How much time do I spend on social media? Could I spend more time praying or reading a spiritual book?
- What am I doing in my life to make room for that relationship, that friendship with God?
- Do I trust in what God has for me more than I trust in my abilities to work things out?
- What kind of habits do I have that cultivate a grateful heart?
This Advent and upcoming Christmas season, consider making room for Jesus who is asking you, “will you make some room for me in your heart?” Because when you do Jesus will bless you in many ways and in the way He knows that is best for you.
Dr. William O’Leary is the Pastoral Associate of Youth Faith Formation, here at Church of the Ascension.