Did you know that Ascension was invited to participate in Amazing Parish?
If you missed the first article in the series, we recommend you read it first.
Our Updated Vision Statement:
Last week, we introduced our revised Purpose Statement. This week we will discuss our revised Vision Statement. While a Purpose Statement (sometimes called a Mission Statement) defines the reason for an organization’s existence – why we are here, a Vision Statement describes what we hope to become – how, guided by our Values, we hope to live out our Purpose.
Our revised Vision Statement affirms how we, here at the Church of the Ascension, strive to live our Catholic Faith:

A joy that inspires others,
that is to say we endeavor to demonstrate, through our words and deeds, that we really do believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is truly Good News. That what God has done for us in Christ Jesus warrants a joyful response from us. Pope Francis, in his apostolic exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) invites us to be “permanently in a state of mission”. We pray that we here at Ascension will come to exude a joyful spirit that is attractive to others and that draws others to better know the source of our joy.
A patience that fosters relationships,
which urges us to be patiently present to others, meeting them where they are in life’s journey, striving to better know them and to befriend them. All evangelization begins with relationship, so we want to be good at establishing relationships.
and a charity that transforms hearts.
Jesus’ command, to love as He loves, provides the “modus operandi” for all our parish efforts. Charity, another word for Love, is the fuel that moves relationships, the knock on the door of people’s hearts that invite them to open up and the foundation upon which trust grows. Our ability to share the Gospel is enhanced when others know we truly care about them.
Over the number of next months we will be circulating our revised Purpose and Vision Statements along with our revised list of parish Values. We encourage all ministries and all parishioners to become familiar with them and incorporate them into their particular ministry materials when appropriate.
There is more to share!
Next week we’ll share information on: