Getting to Know our Pastoral Associates: Liz Willman

I have the privilege of being the longest serving staff person at Ascension – not the oldest! That honor belongs to a few other esteemed co-workers. This is my 20th year on staff. That does not seem possible! I still think I am the “young mom” with two kids, running around Ascension with joy and enthusiasm for our church. Reality tells me other-wise. I walk now (not run) and both of my kids are married and living their adult lives out of state.
The way I came to this position involves a “call” from God. My husband Jim and I moved to our current house in 1993. In the early days, I volunteered at Ascension on the Strategic Planning Committee, teaching SOR and serving on the RCIA Team. One evening I was in the Adoration Chapel asking God what my next step in life should be for my career. I had worked for a number of non-profits in Kansas City. I heard a very clear call from God that said “Start Adult Faith Programs at Ascension.”

The next day, I excitedly ran up to the Parish Office (remember, this was 20 years ago when I really was running!). I wanted to see if Fr. Larry Albertson (our founding pastor) had time to meet with me. As I approached the Parish Office, I ran into a fellow parishioner, Paul O’Connell coming out of Fr. Larry’s office. We chatted a few minutes and then Paul told me that he had just met with Fr. Larry and been offered a new, part time position as… Adult Faith Director! Wait! That was the job that God called me to last night. I was very confused as I felt the call had been so strong. And then it hit me! I said, “Paul…. Were you sitting behind me in Adoration last night? Because I think I intercepted a message meant for you.” (Ok, so I didn’t really ask Paul that question… but I thought it!)
Paul spoke next. He said it was funny he ran into me because part of the meeting with Fr. Larry had been to discern names of parishioners to serve on the first Adult Faith Team to work alongside Paul. Paul said “And your name was on that list, Liz. Would you like to volunteer?” I responded with an enthusiastic “YES!!”
So God DID call me to Adult Faith – but as a volunteer on the team – not to lead. A few months later, Paul needed to step down from the staff position. Fr. Larry called me in and asked if I would lead Adult Faith as well as RCIA since Marc Rottinghaus was planning to retire. I said “Yes” and have overseen both programs ever since.
It has been a tremendous joy to serve Ascension all these years and see the many offerings we have thru our amazing volunteers. Bible Studies, Retreats, Parish Missions, Speaker Series, Small Faith Groups, Ambassadors, AFF Library, RCIA and Christ Renews His Parish to name a few. And to share all of this with so many parishioners whom I call friends!
Liz Willman is the Pastoral Associate for Adult Faith Formation at Church of the Ascension. She oversees RCIA, Adult Faith Classes, the Christ Renews retreats, and many more efforts aimed at equipping adults to live and share their Catholic faith.