Getting to Know our Parish Staff: Bobbie Jo Baier

It is my privilege to serve as the new Minister for Marriage, Family Life and Vocations at Ascension. My husband of 26 years, our 6 children, and I moved to Overland Park and joined the Ascension Parish 7 years ago. Coming from a smaller community in western Kansas, we were amazed at how quickly we felt at home in such a large parish. The faith life of the parishioners was something we had never experienced before. Being so impressed by the opportunities and resources provided within the parish, we quickly became active in the Youth Faith Formation programs and I started attending classes in the Adult Faith Program.

As a convert to the Catholic faith, I was finally being filled with a greater understanding of the fullness of our faith and the beauty of the Church’s teachings. It didn’t take long before I began volunteering within the Youth Faith Formation programs — first, as a small group leader for Confirmation and then as a catechist for the Summer YFF and VBS programs. During the past four years, I have been a coordinator within the Family Formation program and for the Second Grade Sacraments.
This fall I saw an opening for the position of Minister for Marriage, Family Life and Vocations, here at Ascension and felt “called” to apply. This ministry is another opportunity to serve Christ and his Bride, the Church. Pope John Paul II said, “As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live.” Providing support and opportunities to strengthen marriage and family life within the Church is a vital part of our role in serving humanity.
I hope that you will stay tuned for upcoming opportunities to strengthen your marriage and family life, which in turn, forms strong vocations. If you have any suggestions or just want to chat, please reach out. I am here to serve you. God Bless.
Bobbie Jo Baier is Church of the Ascension’s ministry leader for Marriage, Family Life, and Vocations. She coordinates Marriage Prep, Marriage and Family Life support ministries, Family Life resources, and Baptism Prep. She began this new role in January of 2022.