Wouldn’t we all like to feel “Covered In Prayer?” This is particularly true for those who are ill and hurting. That is why Ascension Parish has the “Covered In Prayer” prayer blanket ministry.
Ascension has a talented group of women in our parish who carefully sew, knit and crochet lap-size blankets from donated yarn or cotton, fleece, and flannel fabric. Blankets are made with themes appropriate for men, women, teens, children, and babies. When a prayer request is received in the office, one of these blankets is chosen specifically for the person who will receive it. The blanket is blessed by one of our priests, and a personal letter of support is written to the recipient. The blanket is then either hand delivered or sent by mail with the assurance of our prayers. Our group prays for the recipients and all those who need Jesus’ strength and healing. The blankets remind them that we care about them and are praying for them. They are Covered In Prayer.

Over 150 lap blankets each year are sent to parishioners and friends who are ill and hurting. Blankets are sent to loved ones locally and across the country, regardless of their church affiliation. Maybe you or a loved one have sent or received one!

We often hear from those who have received blankets to let us know how much they appreciate the prayers during a difficult time. Some of the notes tell us that: “He was greatly touched,” “It meant a lot to her,” “She took it with her to treatment,” and “He felt the love and prayers.”

Covered In Prayer has also been able to send prayers and blankets to other Ascension ministries such as Faith Hope Homeless Ministry, Guadalupe House, Catholic Charities New Mothers Program, and Nativity House.
Although the finished blankets are sewn, knit, or crocheted, these skills are not required to participate in this ministry. At our monthly meetings we sort fabric and yarn donations, cut fabric strips, and assemble blanket kits. No sewing, knitting, or crochet experience is required for this important part of the ministry! Those who want to complete a blanket may take the kits home to work on at their convenience.

This parish ministry falls under “Christ the Servant – Ministry of Care”, and to “comfort the sick” is a corporal work of mercy. If you’d like to share your talents through this ministry, we gather at 6:00 pm on the 4th Thursday of the month in the St. Luke’s room.
We appreciate our volunteers who spread the love of Jesus by sharing their talents, and their prayers. We also gratefully request prayers for the blanket recipients, their families, and their caregivers.
Join us for our Next Meeting:
4th Thursday of the Month | 6:00PM | St. Luke Room
We gather on the 4th Thursday of the month at 6:00PM to make blanket kits, separate fabric, talk and generally enjoy each other’s company! You can come and pick up material and take it home, or you can stay and learn how to make blankets. No need to be an expert seamstress. We gratefully accept donations of cotton, fleece and flannel materials and yarns. We look forward to meeting you on Thursday evening!
Request a Prayer Blanket:
If you are thinking of someone in your life who could use a reminder that they are loved, or if you have a family member or friend who needs prayer and support, please contact Patty in the office at pbillinger@kcascension.org. Let her know the person’s name and address, and briefly what the prayer intention is. With family permission, the person’s name is added to our parish prayer list, although prayer requests will remain confidential without specific family permission.