Nightly Prayer:

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Leader: Loving Father, with open arms and hearts we ask to receive Your Son Jesus anew this Christmas season.
All: Jesus, You are welcome here.
Family member lights the advent candles, plus the optional white Christ Candle, placed in the middle of the wreath.
Leader: God our Father, as we enter into the Christmas season, we thank you for giving us the greatest gift of all — the gift of Your Son. This Christmas, we would like to offer You a small gift in return.
When Joseph searched for a place for Jesus’ birth, “No room!” was the answer he received. Although we are as imperfect as a stable, we offer You our family as a place for Jesus’ birth. Throughout Advent, You have filled us with Your hope, peace, joy, and love. By Your grace, we have made room for Your Son.
Father, this Christmas season, send Your Son to be born anew into the mangers of our hearts, which we give as a gift to You.
All: Jesus, You are welcome here.
Leader: Jesus, we welcome You into our family with hope, peace, joy, and love. We invite You into our hearts and home. Fill us with Your presence in the same way that You filled the hearts of Mary and Joseph on the first Christmas morning.
All: Jesus, You are welcome here! Amen
Table Talk:
- Imagine Jesus newly born – literally the God of all creation embodied in a downy-skinned, heart-faced infant. Imagine His legs curled up in fetal position. Imagine His little feet and hands, puffy and rounded out. Perhaps His arms are flailing when Mary wraps Him in swaddling clothes. What would it be like to cradle God, made present to the world as an infant?
- Why were the Magi and shepherds able to see (the star), hear (the angels), and respond to Jesus when the people of neighboring Bethlehem did not? Are there times when you are able to see and hear the gentle voice or presence of Jesus? Does anything ever distract you?
- How are we called to adore and celebrate Jesus during this Christmas season? How are we invited to see, hear, and respond to Jesus born anew?
- What concrete step might we take to continue making room for Christ in our lives, hearts, and family during this Christmas season?