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Pastor’s Corner 03.16.2025

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, 

On this Second Sunday of Lent we encounter the biblical account of the Transfiguration. God permits the curtain between the here and now, and the eternal, to be briefly opened. Jesus’ divinity shines, with great glory, through his humanity. 

But the event of the Transfiguration also served to bolster the faith and hope of the Apostles and to equip them to endure the trials and challenges that lay ahead. The encounter with heavenly glory helped Peter, James and John to focus on the splendor that awaits them in heaven. It helped, I presume, to remind them of the reason for which they were made, the destiny in which they are called to share. 

In the first reading from the Book of Genesis, God reveals to Abraham an unbelievable promise. Abraham’s spiritual descendants will be more numerous than all the stars in the heavens. Each of the descendants was made for something other than a mere earthly existence. Indeed, they were made for more! All the descendants of Abraham, including you and me, are called to share in the joy and glory of heaven. 

During this Lenten Season, as we strive to grow in charity, humility and fidelity to God’s will. Let us reflect on the mystery of the Transfiguration and keep our eyes fixed on what God has in store for those who love Him and commit their lives in service of His will. May the promise made to Abraham and the glory revealed to Peter, James and John on the Mount of Transfiguration be a constant reminder that our citizenship is not really here, but in heaven. 

Sincerely yours in Christ Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life,