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Pastor’s Corner 02.09.2025

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

In this weekend’s Gospel Jesus’ tells Peter, the fisherman, that if he follows Jesus, he will become a “fisher of men”. In other words, if Peter commits his gifts to the service of Jesus, Jesus will use Peter to draw others to all that Jesus offers: forgiveness, healing, holiness and salvation.

Last weekend, Archbishop Naumann was here at all the Masses to preach on the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, where Jesus was revealed as a “light to the nations”. The archbishop invited all of us here at Church of the Ascension to take part in the 50th annual Call to Share appeal, which seeks financial support for over 40 ministries across the Archdiocese that help draw people closer to Christ and His Church.

How, you might ask, does my contributing to Call to Share help draw people to the Lord? Well, it happens in countless ways. Call to Share supports things like the campus centers at several colleges in the archdiocese, allowing outreach to students. It supports the Vocations Office and the Permanent Diaconate Program, which invites men to serve the Lord and his Church by discerning ordained ministry.

This weekend, presenters will be here from Catholic Community Health (CCH), which brings the love and healing touch of Jesus to seniors at Villa St. Francis and to homebound people who need help with daily life through Catholic Community Home Care. Additionally, CCH walks with people as they deal with life threatening diseases and as they approach death through the ministry of Catholic Community Hospice, inviting those facing the end of life to find comfort, peace and hope in the Lord’s promise of eternal life.

As a parish that stresses stewardship as a way of life, you are invited to participate in this annual Archdiocesan appeal. It is one way that the Church continues the work that Jesus gave to Peter when he called him to be a “fisher of men.”

Sincerely yours in Christ Jesus, the Way, and the Truth, and the Life,