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Pastor’s Corner 07.21.2024

Dear Sisters and Brother in Christ,

For the People of Israel, the image of a shepherd was a familiar one. Shepherds were a common sight in the first century and throughout the history of the Jews the Hebrew scriptures used the image of a shepherd to represent God’s watchful care over his people. As a shepherd cared for and protected his flock, so the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob watched over and protected the People of Israel, God’s chosen “flock.”

At the time of Jesus, the Jewish priests and other religious leaders such as the Pharisees were looked upon to shepherd the Jewish people. Jesus often criticized these “shepherds” for not having the best interest of the flock at heart. Jesus accused them of being bad shepherds just as the Prophet Jeremiah had railed against the failure of the ancient Kings and religious leaders of Jeremiah’s day when they failed to lovingly shepherd God’s people.

In the Gospel passage today, Jesus, moved with pity, recognized the Jewish crowds as “sheep without a shepherd.” In other words, he saw them as lost and wandering without clear guidance or direction. So, Jesus began to teach them.

We know in our own day the scandal that results when shepherds of the Church fail to lovingly care for the flock entrusted to them. The damage that bad shepherds cause is immense. Yet, we know that there have been bad shepherds since the founding of the Church. Even the twelve shepherds that Jesus himself selected had one who would betray and destroy. As Christians we must pray daily for the Shepherds of the Church (primarily the bishops and priests) so that their hearts remain always open to God’s grace and that they shepherd God’s people well.

But others in the Church fulfill shepherding roles too. Parents are entrusted to care for the domestic church. Others in leadership roles in government or business act like shepherds when they demonstrate care and concern for those who are entrusted to their watchful care. The Lord Jesus is our model of how to rightly watch over, protect and care for others. By God’s grace may we always strive to shepherd those entrusted to us with great care and love.

Sincerely yours in Christ Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life,