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Statement from Archbishop Naumann on Assassination Attempt of Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania

I was shocked and deeply saddened by the tragic shooting that occurred in Butler, Pennsylvania, yesterday afternoon.  I ask for prayers for our country, for former President Donald Trump and his family, and for his speedy recovery.  We pray for the innocent person killed at the rally and for all those physically and emotionally injured by this senseless act of violence and their families.  Violence against politicians and those serving in government has no place in a democratic republic.  We need to pray for our nation and, in particular, for civility in our public discourse.  Rhetoric that villainizes those with whom we may disagree is irresponsible and dangerous.   I pray for our nation.  I commend President Biden and all who have quickly and publicly condemned this and any act of political violence.  While we may have strong and vigorous disagreements on policies and societal issues, I pray that Americans are united in our respect for all of our fellow citizens, their safety and the sanctity of all human life.

Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann