Realm Photos
What is REALM?
Ascension has moved to a new kind of church record keeping solution called Realm®. It primarily serves the administrative needs of our staff, but it also offers some exciting opportunities to support the way you are involved in our Parish. Not only will this improve work life for our ministry staff, it will make it easier for our church family to connect with each other, keep up with what’s going on, and grow as a connected community of Catholics.
Already registered? Login
What You Need to Do:
1) Find your emailed invitation to REALM in your inbox.
- Parishioners for whom we have active email addresses were sent invitations to Realm. If you have not received an invitation, fill out the Realm Form below or email Susan Nigrin,
- Spouses can no longer share a single email address. If you had a shared email address on file, it only transferred to one of you
Realm Support
Request an invitation or other help with Ascension’s Realm application.
2) Create a login + update your profile and contact information.
3) Upload individual or family photos.
- New staff and Fr. Gary would appreciate being able to put faces to names.
4) Update your privacy settings.
- You and your household can be seen in the online directory if you wish.
- You can decide how much you would like to participate with this software, but we need to have accurate information on file.
Some Benefits of REALM:
- Online giving control via a bank account or credit/debit card
- Event/class registration, notifications and communication to stay informed
- Newsfeed with posts and pictures to stay connected about current happenings
- Group communication tools
- Mobile app with an online directory and newsfeed
Use REALM for Pledging and Giving Donations
Review your giving history or make new donations online or on your mobile phone. No matter how you choose to give toward our parish, you can review all of your giving history online anytime.
Simply sign in to look over your year-to-date giving, check pledge progress, print a contribution statement, or make a new one-time or recurring donation. It’s always available and kept secure in an easy-to-use online environment.