FIRE has completely blown up in the past year. Averaging around 75 teens every time we get together, Middle school ministry is somewhat like herding cats and we need your help to wrangle these hooligans for Jesus.
High school students are welcome to serve on our FIRE Core Team.

The secret sauce of middle school ministry is being able to capture, channel, and redirect the students’ massive amounts of energy toward an encounter with the living God, Jesus Christ.
This takes serious manpower, and we need your help to draw our middle school students deeper still into the Father’s heart.
What We Ask
Core Team Basics
- Active, daily prayer life
- Personal relationship with Jesus Christ
- Full communion with the Catholic Church
- Servant’s heart and humble
- Committed to growing in the Faith
- Communicating with youth leaders
- Present for each FIRE gathering on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month from 5:00-7:30pm
- Present for 5:00pm team prayer and staying until 7:30 for cleanup
- Completely ‘other-focused’ during youth events
- Helping crowd control the 75+ middle schoolers
- Present for semi-annual mandatory fun (Core Team trainings) in August and January
- Free Ascension Youth Core Team and ministry specific apparel
- All parents who are Core Team Members will receive discounted teen registrations for retreats, summer trips, and apparel.
Youth Ministry Core Team Interest Form Official
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