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Christmas Calendar

Your family has been preparing for Christmas through the four week season of Advent. Why let Christmas end after just one day? We encourage you to celebrate like a Catholic! Our Church celebrates the Christmas season from Christmas Eve through The Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord (celebrated the second Sunday of the new year). Below is a calendar of thoughts, devotions, and ideas to keep the party going!

(Click the tiles below for an easier-to-read view!)

Your particular Christmas season celebration should be as unique as your family! This calendar is only a starting point; feel free to customize, delete, and insert your own ideas. We encourage you to choose Christmas season traditions that fit your personal/familial interests, culture, and charisms. If you are a parent, be careful not to fill your calendar with activities that over-require your energy. Christmas should be enjoyable and restful for everyone, parents included! Here are a few final ideas for celebrating the season:

  • Décor up: Keep your Christmas decorations and lights up (and on!) until January 10th.
  • Sacred and Secular: Keep Christ in Christmas by connecting family activities to faith. Also remember that you do not have to “over spiritualize” family fun. Spending quality/positive time with loved ones honors Christ!
  • Party on: Consider planning Christmas parties during the Christmas season rather than prior to Christmas day.
  • Slow your Statues: Rather than setting up your entire Nativity scene during advent, add only one statue a day, leading up to Christ placed in the manger on Christmas morning. Let the Wise Men “journey” toward Jesus by moving them a little closer to Jesus each day, until they arrive on the Feast of the Epiphany (January 3rd).
